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Digital Transformation

We design, develop and operate across service segments for Cloud Based Smart Contracts & Artificial Intelligence Data Services .  We produce any Mobile or Enterprise Web Apps,Web3 and Blockchain Development, Information and Cyber Security SolutionsAnti-Money Laundering Compliance Solutions, Share-point Services, Cloud Based Suppliers on an E-Procurement platform, Power Business Intelligence, Digital Transformation for Smart Supply Chains, ERP & CRM Solutions, Digital Signature for Immutable Transactions and an AI based service for supply chain management integrating both Blockchain and AI Data Solutions for use in machine learning applications.

A.I. Advisor

We have an "AI Advisor" program being used now in the Legal field, which delivers meaning extraction at scale, so you can find hidden value in vast troves of unstructured documents, delivering far better results than conventional methods of data mining. Our AI Advisor can be applied to any industry for data reads - summarization or data/information extract - Terabytes to Summarization.  

Smart Contracts

Digital Transformation in Smart Contracts for Supply Chain.

Secured by Digital Signature with Encryption and Hash Technologies.

Flexible integration in linking distinct ERP Systems with Cloud Based Platforms. 

Leveraging large volumes of data across supply chain partners for the application of the latest AI and Machine Learning capabilities. This is crucial in enabling smart and effective transactions.

NFTs Service

We are offering NFTs as a service for Creators; Artists, Photographers and Musicians - for their work on a platform as a Custodian service OR just as a service to assist Creators in marketing and trading resulting royalties.



We have many years of both government and private experience. We are DVBE & SDVOSB.

Our Developers can produce cloud-based Blockchain (DLT) Applications. We also have a seasoned (AI) Data Scientist on our Team. We have extensive networks overseas and are registered with NECO for US Navy contracts in Europe & the Middle East. We speak; Spanish, German, French, Armenian, Malayalam, Portuguese, Bulgarian & Hebrew.

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